Embodying Your Higher Self to Manifest Your Dream Life
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Do you ever feel that you’re meant for something bigger - destined to live out your soul’s purpose and share your unique gifts with the world? I believe we all have a Higher Self, our true self, and it’s guiding us toward our fullest expression.
The key to unlocking our dreams and living in alignment with our purpose is to embody more of this Higher Self energy. In this blog post I’m sharing my perspective on what it means to embody your Higher Self - and how doing so is the ultimate secret to manifesting what you want in life.
I see the Higher Self as our soul essence - who we are beyond limiting beliefs, past traumas or societal conditioning. When we embody this wise, powerful, unconditional part of ourselves, we realign with our innate perfection and access our unlimited potential to create our reality.
Embodying your Higher Self is not about being “perfect”. It simply means releasing attachment to outdated stories or defense mechanisms that dim your light. By setting those heavy energies aside, your brightest, most magnetic, joyful self can emerge!
This is how to unlock your ability to easily manifest your dream life: tap into who you ARE at a soul level, detached from layers of accumulated heaviness - and let THAT energy direct your vision and actions.
From this state of high vibration and purposeful intentionality, you can manifest anything you want!
How do you connect more with your Higher Self?
Read on and I’ll share with you my top 3!
Here are my top tips:
1) Meditation
Meditation is a great way to become aware of your thoughts, feelings and sensations distinct from the higher part of who you are. By allowing your self time to detox your mind, you will gain
2) Journaling
Journaling is another way become aware of thoughts and feelings that are not serving you so you can release limiting beliefs.
3) Get clear on your highest values so you can manifest things that feed your soul
Knowing what is most important to you and beginning to align your life with those things will bring out more of those higher qualities that will help you embody your highest self day to day and manifest things into your life that truly feed your soul - rather than surface level possessions or accomplishments.
4) Spending more time doing the things that bring you JOY.
It’s okay to not be beaming all the time but making more room to JOY in your life is importnat. Joy is your true nature
Taking steps toward higher self-actualization will bring a sense of aliveness that magnetizes your desires.
Set meaningful intention, take inspired action and watch the magic unfold!
Once you start connecting from this sacred inner guidance system, you’ll intuitively know which doors to walk through and which to close.
Your path will unfold with clarity and ease.
Hi, I’m Nicole, Intuitive Mindset Coach. I teach mindset and manifestation to help you achieve epic love, massive money and a life you adore!
I provide intuitive readings, including Akashic Records and I’m certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, Hypnosis and Professional Coaching!
I’m so excited to celebrate everything you’re manifesting!
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